HOW WE USE YOUR MEDICAL RECORD – important information for patients
- This Practice handles medical records in-line with laws on data protection and confidentiality.
- We share medical records with those who are involved in providing you with care and treatment.
- In some circumstances we will also share medical records for medical research, for example to find out more about why people get ill.
- We share information when the law requires us to do so, for example, to prevent infectious diseases from spreading or to check the care provided to you is safe.
- You have the right to be given a copy of your medical record.
- You have the right to object to your medical records being shared with those who provide you with care.
- You have the right to object to your information being used for medical research and to plan health services.
- You have the right to have any mistakes corrected and to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office. Please see the Practice Privacy Notice on the website or speak to a member of staff for more information about your rights.
For further information about what we do with your data please see below:
GDPR – Patient Privacy Notice
Access to Medical Records Leaflet
Request for Access to Records
GDPR – Patient Privacy Notice leaflet
GDPR – Fair Processing Notice
Patient Information for Young People
GDPR – How we use and protect your personal information
GDPR – Young person privacy notice
GDPR – Supplementary Privacy Notice – COVID19 – April
If you don’t want your identifiable patient data to be shared for purposes except for your own care, you can opt-out by registering a Type 1 Opt-out or a National Data opt-out, or both, These opt-outs are different and further information can be found here.
Type 1 Opt-out:
To register your type 1 opt-out, you can either collect the necessary forms from Reception or you can complete the form here. When returning your completed forms to the Practice, you will need to bring in your ID and also proof of parental responsibility if opting out for a minor.
National Data Opt-out:
Registering a National Data Opt-out can only be done online via we cannot do this at the Practice.
The Accessible Information Standard aims to ensure that Patients (or their Carers) who have a disability or sensory loss receive information they can access and understand, for example in large print or braille, and professional communication support if they need it.
Individuals most likely to be affected by the Standard include people who are blind or deaf, who have some hearing and/or visual loss and people with a learning disability. However, this list is not exhaustive.
The Standard applies to service providers across the NHS and adult social care system, and it specifically aims to improve the quality and safety of care received by individuals with information and communication needs, and their ability to be involved in autonomous decision-making about their health, care and wellbeing.
If you feel this applies to you or someone in your care please contact Hazel McBride on 01625 529 421.
The Cheshire Care Record provides a single summary view of a persons health and social care record, including combined information from the GP Practice, Cheshire hospitals, mental health, community care, cancer care and social care. This is the first time that all of these partners across Cheshire have successfully combined information from multiple sources to provide a summary view, which is updated daily and can be accessed by all staff involved within the patient’s care. For more information please visit Cheshire Care Record [Not Working]. To change your consent preferences please click here to complete the form.
The Summary Care Record is an electronic record that will give health care professionals essential information about you, to help provide you with treatment in an emergency (England only) or when your GP Practice is closed. The SCR will contain important information about any medication you are taking and allergies you may have. For more information please visit Summary Care Record. To change your consent preferences please click here to complete the form.
Information about you and the care you receive is shared, in a secure system, by healthcare staff to support your treatment and care.
It is important that we, the NHS, can use this information to plan and improve services for all Patients. We would like to link information from all the different places where you receive care, such as your GP, hospital and community service, to help us provide a full picture. This will allow us to compare the care you received in one area against the care you received in another, so we can see what has worked best.
Information such as your postcode and NHS number, but not your name, will be used to link your records in a secure system, so your identity is protected. Information which does not reveal your identity can then be used by others, such as researchers and those planning health services, to make sure we provide the best care possible for everyone.
You have a choice. If you are happy for your information to be used in this way you do not have to do anything. If you have any concerns or wish to prevent this from happening, please see the ‘opt out’ information above.
For more information, please visit NHS Digital.