Your PPG

Over the past 15 years, the PPG has been involved in the Practice and we have achieved a number of key successes.  The document attached gives an overview of these achievements.  Please note:  due to Covid-19, whilst we have continued to meet virtually, we have not been able to undertake any large beneficial projects.


The minutes for the previous meetings are available here and you can also view the most recent Newsletters:  PPG MINUTES

Things we are involved in

  • Review any complaints received and look for any trends (NOTE:  The PPG only reviews the subject matter, no patient specific information is discussed)
  • Review any Patient feedback received, either by email, Friends & Family Test, Google, CQC visits and Health Watch
  • Projects – for example the Connect Booklet, published in 2019 to combat loneliness, came about from a patient initiative
  • Act as a sounding board and challenge the practice constructively whenever necessary
  • Contribute to decision making at the practice and express opinions of these matters, on behalf ofthe patients.

How you can help

We always welcome new members to our PPG.  To ensure as diverse a group as possible and to better represent our patient makeup, we are especially looking for those from the younger age groups, parents of young children, various ethnic backgrounds, as many representatives of our patients as possible.

We meet 3 of 4 times a year and the meetings usually last around 90 minutes.

It is your opportunity to share your views and support your practice.

To join the PPG, you can either contact the co-Chair, Jenny Pepper on email ([email protected]) or by phone (07909 513845) or contact Claire Bury, Assistant Manager at the Practice.

Alternatively, if you would simply like to share your thoughts or concerns then feel free to email the chair of the PPG or call Jenny